Sunday, July 5, 2015

Important Pests of Paddy ( Rice ) 2

Main field pests
Paddy stem-borer: Scirpophaga incertulas
Symptom of damage
1.    Presence of brown coloured egg mass near leaf tip.
2.    Caterpillar bore into central shoot of paddy seedling and tiller
3.    Causes drying of the central shoot known as “dead heart”
4.    Grown up plant whole panicle becomes dried “white ear”.
 Identification of insect pest
Egg - Laid in a mass and covered with buff coloured hairs.
Larva - Pale yellow with dark brown head.
Pupa - White silken cocoon.
Female moth - bright yellowish brown fore wings with a black spot possess a tuft of yellow hairs.
Male moth - Smaller with pale yellow fore-wings without black spot.

Avoid close planting and continuous water stagnation
Pull out and destroy the affected tillers
Set up light traps to attract and kill the moths
Harvest the crop up-to the ground level and disturb the stubble
Release the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma japonicum on twice @ 5  cc/ha/
 Apply  neem seed kernel extract
Spray ginger garlic extracts
Gall midge, Orseolia oryzae
Symptom of damage
1.    Maggot feeds at the base of the growing shoot
2.     Causing formation of a tube like gall that is similar to “onion leaf” or “Silver-shoot”.
3.    Infested tillers produce no panicles.
  Identification of insect pest
  Egg: Reddish, elongate, tubular eggs just near the ligule of the leaf blade
  Larva: Maggot is pale to red colour feeds inside the gall.
  Pupa: pupates at the base of the gall and moves to tip of the gall
  Adult: Adult is orange coloured mosquito like fly
   Early ploughing
  Harvest the crop and plough immediately
  Remove the alternate hosts and adjust the time of planting (early)
  Use early maturing varieties
  Optimum recommendation of potash fertilizer
   Setup light trap and monitor the adult flies 
Swarming caterpillar, Spodoptera mauritia
Symptom of damage
1.    Larvae cut the seedlings in large scale
2.    Severe infestation - cattle grazing appearance to the field.
3.    They feed gregariously and march from field to field.
  Identification of insect pest
•           Egg - Laid in masses on leaves and covered with grey hairs
•           Larva - Caterpillar is cylindrical dark to pale green with lateral lines along the body
•           Pupa - Pupates in an earthen cocoon in soil
•           Adult - Moth is medium sized stoutly build.
•           Dark brown with a conspicuous triangular spot on fore wings.
  Kerosene the water while irrigation – suffocation
  Allow ducks into the field   
  Drain the water
  Spray  Panchkavya
Rice skipper, Pelopidas mathias
Symptom of damage
1.    Edges of the leaves are fastened with webbing.
2.    Backward rolling of leaves,
3.    caterpillar feeds from margin to  inwards
  Identification of insect pest
  Larva: Pale green with constructed neck.
  Adult: Butterfly with brown coloured wings and curved antenna
Spray Neem Astra
Leaf folder (or) leaf roller, Cnaphalocrocis mainsails / Marasmia patnalis
  Symptom of damage
1.    Leaves fold longitudinally and larvae remains inside.
2.     Larvae scrapes the green tissues of the leaves and becomes white and dry.
3.    During severe infestation the whole field exhibits scorched appearance
  Identification of insect pest 
•           Egg - Flat, oval in shape and yellowish white in colour.
•           Larva - Greenish translucent
•           Adult - Moth is brownish with many dark wavy lines in centre and dark band on margin of

  Clipping of the affected leaves
  Keep the bunds clean
  Avoid excessive nitrogenous fertilizers
  Light traps to attract and kill moths
  Release Trichogramma chilonis @ 1, 25,000/ha thrice
  Spray NSKE 5 %

Rice horned caterpillar, Melanitis ismene
•           Larva feeds on leaf blades of rice.
•           Leaves are defoliated from the margin or tip irregularly.
                        Identification of insect pest
•           Egg - White eggs singly on the leaves is green,
•           Larva - Lightly flattened with two red horns processes on the head
•           Two yellow processes in the anal end
•           Pupa - Chrysalis, which suspends from the leaf.
•           Adult - dark brown with large wings having a black
•           yellow eye like spot one on each of the fore wings.
Spray neem Astra. 
Yellow hairy caterpillar, Psalis pennatula
Symptoms of damage
Caterpillar causes defoliation
                                Identification of insect pest 
•           Caterpillar is yellowish brown with red stripes
•           Orange head and tufts of hairs all over the body.
•           Pupa - pale white cocoon of silk and frass attached to the leaf
•           Adult - Moth is stout with straw coloured fore-wings.
Spray Neem Astra
Grasshopper, Hieroglyphus banian
Short horned grasshopper, Oxya  nitidula
Symptom of damage
 Irregular feeding on seedlings and leaf blade
Cutting of stem at panicle stage
 Completely defoliate the plants leaving only the mid ribs
 Identification of insect pest 
 Adults - Green, larger with transverse black lines on pronotum
Expose the eggs to be picked up by birds after ploughing and trim the bunds
Dusting the crop neem
Dusting Panchkavya
Spiny beetle / Rice hispa, Dicladispa armigera
 Symptoms of damage
 Adults feed on chlorophyll by scraping and causing white parallel streaks
 White patches along with long axis of leaf.
Grubs mine into the leaves and make blister near leaf tips.
Identification of insect pest
Larva - Grub is minute, flat and yellow
 Adult - Blue - black shiny beetle with spines on the thorax and elytra
 Leaf tip containing blotch mines should be  destroyed         
Manual collection and killing of beetles – hand nets
Spray Neem Astra
Whorl maggot, Hydrellia sasakii,
Symptom of damage
 Maggot feeds on the tender tissue inside the whorl
 Yellowish white longitudinal marginal blotching with hole
 Leaves shrivelled plant stunted and maturity delayed.
 Drooping of young leaves near the tip           
 Identification of the pest
Maggot - Yellowish white in color.
Adult - Small dull grey fly.
 Remove the alternate hosts and adjust the time of planting (early)
Use early maturing varieties
Spray Neem Astra
Green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens,
Symptom of damage
Yellowing of leaves from tip to downwards.
 Vector for the diseases viz., Rice tungro virus, rice yellow & transitory yellowing   
 Identification of insect pest
Adults - are green with black spot and black patch on wings.

 Apply neem cake @ 12.5 kg/20 cent nursery as basal dose
The vegetation on the bunds should also be sprayed with the insecticides
 Set up light traps
 Spray Bhrammasthra. twice, 15 and 30 days after transplanting.

Brown plant leafhopper, Nilaparvata lugens
Symptoms of damage
 Nymphs and adults congregate at the base of the plant above the water level
 Affected plant dries up and gives a scorched appearance called “hopper burn”.
 Circular patches of drying and lodging of matured plant
 It is vector of grassy stunt, ragged stunt and wilted stunt diseases
  Identification of insect pest
 Adult: Brown body and chestnut brown eyes. It has two forms viz.,
(Macropterous (long winged) and brachypterous (short winged)).

Avoid close planting
 To provide 30 cm rogue spacing at every 2.5 m to reduce the pest incidence.
Avoid use of excessive nitrogenous fertilizers
Control irrigation by intermittent draining
Set up light traps during night
Yellow pan traps during day time
Conserve  natural enemies like Lycosa pseudoannulata, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis

 Apply any one.
Neem oil   3% @  15 lit/ha
 Iluppai oil  6% @  30 lit/ha
Neem seed kernel extract 5% @ 25 kg/ha
White backed plant hopper, Sogatella furcifera,
Suck the sap and cause stunted growth.
 “Hopper burn” is caused in irregular patches.
Identification of insect pest 
Nymph - White in colour and pronotum is pale yellow.
 Adult - Possess a diamond like marking on the thorax and ovipositional site is black streaks.
 Avoid use of excessive nitrogenous fertilizers
Control irrigation by intermittent draining
Apply any one of the following

 Neem oil   3% @  15 lit/ha
  Iluppai oil  6% @  30 lit/ha
 Neem seed kernel extract 5% @ 25 kg/ha
Mealybug, Brevennia rehi
 Large number of insects remains in leaf sheath and suck the sap.
 Plants become week, yellowish and very much stunted in circular patches.
Presence of white waxy fluff in leaf sheaths
Identification of insect pest 
 Adult - Small reddish white, soft-bodied
wingless insect covered with filamentous materials.
During field preparation - remove the grasses from the bunds and trim the bunds
 Remove and destroy the affected plants.
Spray neem Astra in the initial stage of infestation
Conserve the natural enemies 
Rice earhead bug: Leptocorisa acuta
Symptoms of damage
Sucking the sap from individual grains, which are in milky stage.
 Individual grains become chaffy
Black spots on the grains at the site of feeding puncture.
Buggy odour in rice field during milky stage
 Identification of insect pest 
Eggs: Dark, reddish brown and  laid in rows of 10-15 on the leaves (or) panicles
 Nymphs: Green to brown.
 Adults: Slender with long legs and antennae.
They are brownish green in colour, while disturbing it emittes stink odour
Spray Neem seed kernel extract 5% @ 25 kg/ha or Notchi or Prosopis leaf extract 10% . twice as above  
Thrips: Stenchaetothrips biformis
Symptoms of damage
Laceration of  the tender leaves and suck the plant sap
Yellow (or) silvery streaks on the leaves of young seedlings
Terminal rolling and drying of leaves from tip to base
 It causes damage both in nursery and main field
 Identification of insect pest 
 Adults - are dark brown in colour
Spray neem Astra or panchkavya  in nursery stage
Spray neem Astra or panchkavya  in field stage

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